The Gold Predictors’ trading and other investment vehicle ideas are solely for the purpose of educating investors and traders. However, if one wishes to trade ideas, perfect gold trading rules must be developed for better investment and risk management.
- Traders who frequently switch trading systems or signal providers may not be successful over time. Premium members who gain knowledge or ideas from the website should therefore commit to following it for at least one year. We believe that growing a trading account takes time. Each trader should review their performance every year in accordance with the gold trading rules. The reason for this is that, markets can provide numerous opportunities, but they are also too risky to enter due to uncertainties. In uncertain markets, we prefer to take a conservative approach for trading. Traders who focus solely on long-term results rather than monthly results are always successful.
- Money management is one of the significant gold trading rules that every trader should follow. For the sake of our members’ convenience, we have divided the ideas and signals into three categories in order to apply this rule. As indicated in each signal’s Signal Strength, the signal could be Week, Strong, or Confirmed. This rating’s purpose is to give the user or member an idea of our opinions on future price movements and potentials. We don’t recommend putting more than 3% of your capital at risk in a single trade. A confirmed signal does not appear to suggest that the Trade will always win. As a result, don’t put all of your eggs in the Confirmed Signals basket. Create a trading strategy based on percentages. The signal’s strength is determined by a rating of thoughts based on market analysis and circumstances. While confirmed signals could fail, there’s a good chance that a week signal provided a genuine reward. On Confirmed Signal, we prefer to take a 4% capital risk, while on Week Signal, we prefer to take a 2% risk.
Note: Following covid-19 crisis, we stopped putting the rating on signal strength from 2020.
- Gold Predictors Admin publishes all articles or ideas, and all premium members are notified via notification method. Gold Predictors’ authors do their best to keep all members informed about market conditions and any trading ideas. We recommend that our premium members follow us on Twitter and “Turn on Twitter Notifications”. The ideas are also delivered using Email Notifications and WhatsApp Notifications as well.
- We prefer tight stop losses for trades because we believe trades should have at least a 1:3 risk-reward ratio. During high volatility markets, stop losses might be higher than usual to fight the market uncertainty. Following the Covid-19 crisis, volatility has increased on the extremes, so stop losses may be higher than usual.
- If there is a trade open in the market, we try to put targets on trades and update new stop losses on a regular basis. On the Trading Signals page, we update premium members’, about the Trading Ideas and knowledge as necessary. The trading signals page may be updated depending on market conditions.